一、个人简介 出生年月:1982年9月 籍 贯:甘肃天水 学位职称:博士、副研究员 学 历:研究生 政治面貌:中共党员 专 业:自然地理学 研究方向:流域水文与水资源、土壤生态系统过程 通讯地址:兰州市东岗西路320号 邮 箱:ljchen@lzb.ac.cn 招生意向:自然地理学、土壤学、生态学 二、科研项目 1. 2016.1-2018.12,国家自然科学基金项目:荒漠绿洲农田土壤微生物群落结构和功能对盐渍化时空动态的响应(41501113); 2. 2014. 8-2016.8,中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目:微咸水膜下滴灌对棉田土壤微生物多样性的调控机制研究(2014T70950); 3. 2013.8-2015.8,中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目:微咸水膜下滴灌土壤水盐运移机理与模型研究(2013M542407); 4. 2014.4-2016.4,中国科学院寒旱所人才基金项目:荒漠绿洲农田土壤-植物系统对地下水灌溉的响应研究(Y451051001); 5. 2014.1-2016.1,甘肃省博士后科学基金资助项目:冷水鱼养殖排放水灌溉葡萄的水土环境效应及高效利用模式研究。 三、研究成果(主要论文、论著、专利) 1. Chen Lijuan, Feng Qi, Wei Yongping, et al. Effects of saline water irrigation and fertilization regimes on soil microbial metabolic activity. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 17, 376−383, 2017. 2. Chen Lijuan, Li Changsheng, Feng Qi, et al. Shifts in soil microbial metabolic activities and community structures along a salinity gradient of irrigation water in a typical arid region of China. Science of the Total Environment. Doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.04.105. 3. Chen Lijuan, Feng Qi, Li Changsheng, et al. Spatial variations of soil microbial activities in saline groundwater irrigated soil ecosystem. Environmental Management. 57, 1054−1061, 2016. 4. Chen Lijuan, Feng Qi, Li Fengrui, et al. Simulation of soil water and salt transfer under mulched furrow irrigation with saline water. Geoderma. 241-242, 87−96, 2015. 5. Chen Lijuan, Feng Qi, Li Fengrui, et al. A bidirectional model for simulating soil water flow and salt transport under mulched drip irrigation with saline water. Agricultural Water Management. 146, 24−33, 2014. 6. Chen Lijuan, Feng Qi. Geostatistical analysis of temporal and spatial variations in groundwater levels and quality in the Minqin oasis, Northwest China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 70, 1367−1378, 2013. 7. Chen Lijuan, Feng Qi. Soil water and salt distribution under furrow irrigation of saline water with plastic mulch on ridge. Journal of Arid Land, 5, 60−70, 2013. 8. Chen Lijuan, Feng Qi, Wang Yu, et al. Water and salt movement under saline water irrigation in soil with clay interlayer. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 28, 44−51, 2012. 9. Chen Lijuan, Feng Qi, Xi Haiyang, et al. Numerical simulation of salt leaching for the saline-alkali soil with clay interlayer I: Models establishment and validation. Advanced Materials Research, 457-458, 1361−1366, 2012. 10. 陈丽娟, 冯起, 成爱芳. 民勤绿洲土壤水盐空间分布特征及盐渍化成因分析. 干旱区资源与环境, 27, 99−106, 2013. 11. 陈丽娟, 冯起, 王昱, 等. 民勤绿洲地下水环境动态研究. 干旱区资源与环境, 26, 8−13, 2012. 12. 陈丽娟, 冯起, 张新民, 等. 甘肃疏勒河灌区垂直洗盐制度的模拟研究. 土壤通报, 41, 1329−1334, 2010. 13. 陈丽娟, 冯起, 张新民, 等. 明沟排水洗盐条件下土壤水盐动态模拟研究. 水土保持研究, 17, 87−90, 2010. 14. 陈丽娟, 张新民, 王小军, 等. 不同土壤水分处理对膜上灌春小麦土壤温度的影响. 农业工程学报, 24, 235−238, 2008. 四、获奖情况 1. 2014年中科院寒旱所优秀博士后; 2. 2011年朱李月华优秀博士生奖; 3. 2011年中国科学院研究生院三好学生称号。