一、个人简介 姓名:温小虎 出生年月:1978.1 籍 贯: 甘肃天水 学位: 博士 职称:副研究员 研究方向: 地下水模拟 职务: 国外经历: 电话:0931-4967268 通讯地址:兰州市东岗西路320号 电子邮箱: xhwen@lzb.ac.cn 招生意向:水文水资源、环境科学 二、科研项目 1、国家自然科学基金项目“莱州湾东岸海底地下水及其营养盐入海通量研究”(2011-2013) 22万元,项目负责人 2、 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目“海岸带生态与环境监测、评估与管理决策支持信息系统” (2009-2012)25万元,项目负责人 三、研究成果 Wen Xiaohu, Feng Qi, Ravinesh C. Deo, Wu Min, Si Jianhua.(2016) Wavelet analysis–artificial neural network conjunction models for multi-scale monthly groundwater level predicting in an arid inland river basin, northwestern China. Hydrology Research. doi: 10.2166/nh.2016.396. Wen, X., Si, J., He, Z., Wu, J., Shao, H. and Yu, H. (2015) Support-Vector-Machine-Based Models for Modeling Daily Reference Evapotranspiration With Limited Climatic Data in Extreme Arid Regions. Water Resources Management 29(9), 3195-3209. Wen, X., Feng, Q., Yu, H., Wu, J., Si, J., Chang, Z. and Xi, H. (2014) Wavelet and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system conjunction model for groundwater level predicting in a coastal aquifer. Neural Computing and Applications 26(5), 1203-1215. Wen, X., Fang, J., Diao, M. and Zhang, C. (2013) Artificial neural network modeling of dissolved oxygen in the Heihe River, Northwestern China. Environ Monit Assess 185(5), 4361-4371. Wen, X., Diao, M., Wang, D. and Gao, M. (2012) Hydrochemical characteristics and salinization processes of groundwater in the shallow aquifer of Eastern Laizhou Bay, China. Hydrological Processes 26(15), 2322-2332. Wen, X., Wu, J. and Si, J. (2008) A GIS-based DRASTIC model for assessing shallow groundwater vulnerability in the Zhangye Basin, northwestern China. Environmental Geology 57(6), 1435-1442. Wen, X.H., Wu, Y.Q., Lee, L.J.E., Su, J.P. and Wu, J. (2007) Groundwater flow modeling in the Zhangye Basin, Northwestern China. Environmental Geology 53(1), 77-84. Wen, X.H., Wu, Y.Q. and Wu, J. (2007) Hydrochemical characteristics of groundwater in the Zhangye Basin, Northwestern China. Environmental Geology 55(8), 1713-1724. Wen, X., Wu, Y., Su, J., Zhang, Y. and Liu, F. (2005) Hydrochemical characteristics and salinity of groundwater in the Ejina Basin, Northwestern China. Environmental Geology 48(6), 665-675. Yin, Z., Wen, X., Feng, Q., He, Z., Zou, S. and Yang, L. (2016) Integrating genetic algorithm and support vector machine for modeling daily reference evapotranspiration in a semi-arid mountain area. Hydrology Research. doi: 10.2166/nh.2016.205 Deo, R.C., Wen, X. and Qi, F. (2016) A wavelet-coupled support vector machine model for forecasting global incident solar radiation using limited meteorological dataset. Applied Energy 168, 568-593. Bi, X., Wen, X., Yi, H., Wu, X. and Gao, M. (2014) Succession in soil and vegetation caused by coastal embankment in southern Laizhou Bay, China—Flourish or degradation? Ocean & Coastal Management 88, 1-7. Feng, Q., Wen, X. and Li, J. (2014) Wavelet Analysis-Support Vector Machine Coupled Models for Monthly Rainfall Forecasting in Arid Regions. Water Resources Management 29(4), 1049-1065. He, Z., Wen, X., Liu, H. and Du, J. (2014) A comparative study of artificial neural network, adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system and support vector machine for forecasting river flow in the semiarid mountain region. Journal of Hydrology 509, 379-386.